Friday, April 24, 2020

Extract Essay Practice: 24

 The author’s desire is to entertain the audience and focus on the topic of trust. To prove, the women can only help if the man believes her. The man does not though, so she is not able to go to Visalia and help the man. In this situation the lack of trust comes from the power the man believes he has/ actually has over the woman.
To initiate, the extract begins with a woman being questioned by a man. It is quite obvious that the woman is being held in a cell. Hence, showing that the woman has no choice, but to be in the room. The dark lighting inside the cell represents an unwelcoming circumstance. To further prove, the zoom which focuses on the woman’s face gives emphasis on her emotional state, specifically her angriness and sadness. Thus, portraying a situation that the woman probably wants to avoid. Meanwhile, the close-up on the man’s face shows his frustration with the woman. This anger is taken out on the women and can be heard as well as seen. In fact, a loud and scraping diegetic noise is heard by the man dragging the chair across the floor which demonstrates the power he believes he has over her. To add upon the split screen which is between the cell and its surroundings, depicts the man choking the women and the emotional effect it has on the people on the outside of the cell. Throughout the extract, the dialogue between the man and the woman is quite aggressive; the man often yells at her which indicates that the man feels superior. This implies that the man is getting frustrated with how the interrogation with the woman is being handled.

The woman’s desire to be somewhere else and the man’s frustration with her creates an unique situation. To explain, this depiction creates an environment in which the man and woman do not trust each other; this is due to each of their individual desires. The man believes he has power over her, and therefore, she must listen to him. However, she questions that power which creates a lack of trust. Overall, the lack of trust between them creates a struggle for power.

Friday, April 17, 2020


I completed a detailed CCR. During the video I discuss Katelyn and my film, The Chase, as well as the individual progress I have made. My CCR was filmed at my house because of the corona virus. This was not my plan. This is because my original plan was to complete and film my CCR with Katelyn. During this, Katelyn would have been my interviewer and I would have been hers. However, due to the stay at home order we were unable to do this. I could not have my parents interview me as they both work long hours and needed to focus on other things during this time. Thus, I had the question read and a black screen appear with the question read on it. This was followed by me answering the question. I tried to be relateable and honest. I am aware how important it was to describe my progress based on a self reflecting viewpoint.
The CCR was hard to upload, but I was able to do it with Katelyn's help. She had completed her CCR before me. Thus, she was able to explain in detail to me of how to upload it. I followed Katelyn's instructions which was to use YouTube. I uploaded my CCR to YouTube and then added the link to this blog (seen below). To sum up, I am pleased with my CCR given the circumstances. I believe it would have been better if I was able to do it with Katelyn. Considering these circumstances, I am pleased and proud of my CCR.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Final Task: The Chase

Katelyn and my final task was to plan, film, and edit a opening sequence to a movie. Ours is about a pre-meditated kidnapping of a young high school girl who is on the way to a party. The story line is clear, yet interesting.
The corona virus effected many of Katelyn and my plans. It made the process much more difficult. I am just grateful that both of us and our families are staying safe. To explain, we had to re-touch some details with the editing. I was forced to do this by myself as the film was on IMovie on my phone. Katelyn helped me through text. However, this took much more time and effort. To be specific, the downloading of the film was difficult and the quality was low. Even with all of this, Katelyn and I are pleased with how the film turned out. I was extremely happy with all the varying angles and shots we had in our film. Meanwhile, Katelyn was even happier with our bold and clear titles.
I believe that Katelyn and I are great partners. This is because her weaknesses are my strengths and vise versa. For example, I am able to make our storyboards detailed. Katelyn makes them come to life when it is time to film. Once we have filmed I focus on the editing and Katelyn makes sure we keep the whole project as an entity in mind. I am proud of how our final task turned out and how well we worked together.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Music Video

Katelyn and I all worked together and contributed to produce a music video to Santa Tell Me by Ariana Grande. We chose to not work with Freya as all of our schedules did not match. Katelyn and I both filmed as well as acted.
The music video  begins with an establishing shot made up of a pan at the beach during sunrise. Then it jumps to a tilt of me walking towards the ocean. This is followed by a red heart in the sand being washed away by an ocean's wave. Next the tilt shows me walking towards the ocean yet again. This dissolves into me walking away from the camera on a road. It jumps to a wide shot of me waking up in my bed and looking around. This shot dissolves into me in my bed with my dog. The next part of the film is focused on Katelyn as the actor and me filming. To continue, there is a wide shot at high angle of Katelyn shaking sprinkles onto cookie dough. The over the shoulder shot shows Katelyn placing the cookies into the oven. This shot dissolves out into Katelyn pulling the cookies out of the oven. Then, there is a pan at eye level showing that Katelyn is all alone eating the cookies. The final part is Katelyn throwing the Santa hat into the camera and removing the hat and re-putting it on her head.
Overall, our music video followed the conventions of the a holiday/christmas music video. This is because it consisted of the props (like candy canes) and costumes (santa hats both Katelyn and I wore). We edited our music video on Pinnacle Studios which was on the school computer. However, due to the corona virus we do not have access to these computers nor our music video. I was able to find a video of our music video on google drive. I want to note that this is the only video Katelyn and I have of our music video. I also want to point out that this is not the best representation of our music video.This is because our music video was not completed, we still had editing left to do in the version below. Under these circumstances, I hope that it is able to be seen the attention to detail we kept, the smooth transitions we used, and the variation in shots.

Saturday, April 11, 2020


Katelyn, Freya, and I all worked together and contributed to produce a commercial for Gatorade. Freya and I were both actors. Katelyn was the main person filming, even though Freya and I both helped at points.
The commercial begins with an establishing shot of the football field. Then it jumps to a low angle of a football being grabbed out of a sports bag by Freya. This is followed by me throwing the football across the football field to Freya. Specifically, a long shot at eye level of me throwing it which focuses on my stance. Next comes a smooth transition of pan which focuses on the football flying across the field. Then a long shot at eye level of Freya catching the football. At the end of our commercial, Freya is seen drinking Gatorade from a medium-close up at eye level.
Overall, our Gatorade commercial followed the conventions of the a sports drink commercial. This is because it consisted of someone playing a sport and then taking a sip of the sport drink. We edited our commercial on Pinnacle Studios which was on the school computer. However, due to the corona virus we do not have access to these computers nor our commercial. I was able to find a video of the first part of our  commercial that I took on my phone. I want to note that this is the only video Katelyn, Freya, and I have of our commercial. I also want to point out that this is not the best representation of our commercial as it is not in one complete video and there is a reflection on the computer. Under these circumstances, I hope that it is able to be seen the attention to detail we kept, the smooth transitions we used, and the variation in shots.