Saturday, April 11, 2020


Katelyn, Freya, and I all worked together and contributed to produce a commercial for Gatorade. Freya and I were both actors. Katelyn was the main person filming, even though Freya and I both helped at points.
The commercial begins with an establishing shot of the football field. Then it jumps to a low angle of a football being grabbed out of a sports bag by Freya. This is followed by me throwing the football across the football field to Freya. Specifically, a long shot at eye level of me throwing it which focuses on my stance. Next comes a smooth transition of pan which focuses on the football flying across the field. Then a long shot at eye level of Freya catching the football. At the end of our commercial, Freya is seen drinking Gatorade from a medium-close up at eye level.
Overall, our Gatorade commercial followed the conventions of the a sports drink commercial. This is because it consisted of someone playing a sport and then taking a sip of the sport drink. We edited our commercial on Pinnacle Studios which was on the school computer. However, due to the corona virus we do not have access to these computers nor our commercial. I was able to find a video of the first part of our  commercial that I took on my phone. I want to note that this is the only video Katelyn, Freya, and I have of our commercial. I also want to point out that this is not the best representation of our commercial as it is not in one complete video and there is a reflection on the computer. Under these circumstances, I hope that it is able to be seen the attention to detail we kept, the smooth transitions we used, and the variation in shots.

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