Monday, October 14, 2019

Editing Lesson Blog

The camera set-up is quite simple. To charge the camera the cord must be inserted into the slot near the strap. The camera must be turned off while charging which means the flap of the camera must be closed. The silver button with the red line starts and stops the filming of a take. It is recommended to have many takes in order to have more options for a successful shot. This is because something might be taking place in the background of one of the takes that you are not aware of. In order to use a tripod, the camera must be attached tightly and carefully. The tripod allows all the takes to be steady as it is set and stable. Also, a tripod makes it easier to create pans, tilts, and dutch angles. When using a tripod or shooting without one, allow the camera to film a few seconds extra because this will leave room for there to be edits.
To start importing the footage open Pinnacle Studio so it can load. Then, insert the SD Card into the SD Card Reader and click on the DCIM folder. This folder will have the footage sorted by time and date of which it was taken. If you cannot find the footage then go back and click on the Private Folder, then the AVCD Folder, and then the Stream Folder. All the footage can be found here. Highlight all your footage and place it into a folder on the desktop specific for your project. This means you have completely dumped your footage. To import your footage, open Pinnacle Studio click edit board as it is usually on the organizing board. Next, you click on the import option and click on any takes/music that is wanted. Finally, click import and it is recommended to import all footage as you may not know what you want.
The editing process includes numerous steps. The AVC Track 1 is for titles, the AVC Track 2 is for footage, and the AVC Track 3 is for audio. Takes can be cut by placing the red line over the take and clicking on the razor blade option. Then you can select the part of that take that you want to delete and click on the trash button. If you left-click this program will offer you more options such as the speed you want your footage to play at, the maximum is x500. In addition, to do a voice-over, right-click own the take and click detach audio. The audio will then automatically go to AVC Track 3. From there you can delete the take or the audio. To create a title click on “T” and type the wording you desire. Then, you can adjust the color, font, and size of the text. To adjust how the text enters or leaves drag the text to AVC Track 1 and double click on the title. Once you are done with editing, click on the file and save as; remember to make sure to save this to the folder dedicated to this project which holds all your takes. When you are totally done with editing click export and watch the film to make sure that it has been rendered properly.

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