Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Research blog Commercial Conventions

I am working with Freya Ohlson and Katelyn Pustam. We decided to do a sports drink commercial, specifically for Gatorade. This idea was brought up by Freya Ohlson as she hears talk about this international company on a daily basis. Katelyn Pustam and I agreed to this as we both love Gatorade's unique way of branding and their great tasting popular sport drinks. Personally, I enjoy Gatorade chews before track meets and their sport drinks afterwards. This allows me to appreciate them as a company and believe I could make a strong commercial on them. Overall, I believe Freya Ohlson, Katelyn Pustam, and I will work together smoothly as well as build off of each others' creativity.
Gatorade commercial's generally sponsor a well known athlete: JJ Whatt, Cam Newton or Dwayne Wade. These athletes are usually portrayed training and convey positive messages to the viewers. These messages range from the importance of staying hydrated to the choices of youth in and out of school. Furthermore, Gatorade does not just sponsor athletic individuals, but also all 32 NFL teams. Surprisingly, their first celebrity endorser was not from the NFL, rather from the NBA. This was Michael Jordan and he has now been partnered with Gatorade for over 32 years. To sum up, Gatorade uses sports teams and athletes to promote their products in both their commercials as well as on the sports' fields/courts.
Another way Gatorade positively promotes itself is through encouraging slogans. Recent slogans Gatorade have used include  "Win From Within ,"  "Be Tough," "Shine On," and  "Bring It." These slogans all encourage both current and future athletes to believe in themselves. This is important as many people who are influenced from the media watch sports games and Gatorade commercials. Additionally, it can be seen that Gatorade commercials are successful through their beverage sales. To prove, Gatorade sells over 100 billion ounces of sports drinks annually and 75% of sport drink sales in the United States. All of this shows how Gatorade associates themselves with positive messages while selling their sports drinks.

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